Record Number of People Served in 2019

Heaven on Earth NOW is celebrating its fifth year in service to the community - four as a formal nonprofit. But we are pleased to publish our 2019 Impact Statement, in which we detail our accomplishments last year.

We are a volunteer-run organization so the enormous results we achieve are all made possible by large numbers of people who devote a little bit of their time to helping others. Indeed, part of our impact is giving people just like you the opportunity to touch the lives of others: to feed, launch, teach, and uplift people in your community.

Also, 100 percent of our donations go to the recipients we serve. Many of us are discouraged to hear of bloated salaries of nonprofit executives and of bureaucracy that prevents help from reaching those in dire need. In our organization, the overhead costs are endowed by private donors. This makes the Impact Statement all the more meaningful because it shows you exactly where your donations were spent.

Seeing these numbers compiled, we offer our thanks!

  • Thank you to all the angel volunteers who pitched in to assemble Good for You Groceries and Begin Again offerings, among our other programs.

  • Thank you to our partners, the community organizations who are on the front lines of helping poor and hungry people in Maryland, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Tijuana, and beyond. They vet and refer the recipients to us, so we can be sure to direct your gifts to people who people making sustainable life changes. And they often deliver donations that we assemble, ensuring that the gifts go to recipients who need them most.

  • And thank you, thank you to our donors.

As you can see in our Impact Statement, we can make your dollars work very hard to . . .

  • Feed families who would not otherwise have access to healthy food.

  • Outfit the homes of individuals and families emerging from homelessness and crises

  • Teach hundreds of thousands of people the importance of drinking water and adopting other healthy habits, including giving desperately needed nutritious nonperishables to food drives.

And all the work we do is with the goal of uplifting people, bolstering dignity and supporting individuals and families’ efforts to live healthfully and independently.

Here’s to 2020 and the even bigger difference we can make, together!